


Getting started with eXodusino

eXodusino is Arduino like API environment for LPC1114 MCUs, developed by a Japanese guy Lynx-EyED as his personal project.
It is not completely compatible, and under developing. But, it works almost like read/write SPI flash, blink LED with PWM, print texts on character LCDs, make dace game with random.

To use eXodusino, you just download from github repository and extract it, put it into project folder of LPCXpresso.
Here is brief interaction to use LPC1114FN28 with eXodusino.


  • PC
  • LPCXpresso IDE later than 4.2.3
  • LPC1114FN28/102 (DIP LPC1114 MCU)
  • 3.3V UART interface (like Sparkfun FTDI Basic 3.3V)

Or if you really want to use SWD to flash, you can use LPC-Link (The left half of LPCXpresso).

install LPCXpresso IDE

Download it from here and activate it.

grab eXodusino

You can get eXodusino from github repository.
If you know git, use git command.

If you don't know git well, use “Download” button on the web.

After you download and extract, the name of folder would be “lynxeyed-atsu-eXodusino-(something)”. Please rename folder name to “exodusino”.

First of all, please launch LPCXpresso IDE.

Choose [Import Existing Projects] in QuickStart window, and select the folder you downloaded and extracted.
When importing done, eXodusino project would be shown in “Project Explorer” window like the picture below.

We don't need “cutecom-0.22-0” in this project. So, let's exclude this folder from the project.
To exclude this, just right click “cutecom-0.22-0”, and choose “Resource Configurations” → “Exclude from Build…”.

And, click “Select All” and “OK”.

change setting to build for LPC1114FN28

To change build options, right click “eXodusino” folder, and choose “Properties”.

And open [C/C++ Build], choose [MCU settings], select “LPC1114FN”, click [OK].

After that, we need to change configuration.
[Properties] of eXoduino project, choose [C/C++ Build]→[Manage Configurations…]→Choose [LPC1114_FN28_102_DIP]→[Set Active]

[OK] → [Apply] → [OK]

change setting to output hex file

The eXodusino project file was configured as to output binary file (.axf, ARM Executable file) as an default.
Flash Magic the ISP flashing tool can read only HEX files. And, I'm loving to flash LPC MCUs with UART, not SWD. So, let's change build option.

To change build options, right click “eXodusino” folder, and choose “Properties”.
And open [C/C++ Build]→[Settings] and [Build Steps] tab, [Post-build steps] → [Command] text field.

And change texts to

arm-none-eabi-size ${BuildArtifactFileName}; arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary ${BuildArtifactFileName} ${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin ; checksum -p ${TargetChip} -d ${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin; arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex ${BuildArtifactFileName} ${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.hex;

Click [OK]. So, LPCXpresso IDE will output hex file when the build getting done.

Let's build sample sketch

“user_application.cpp” under “eXodusino/src” is the user sketch like Arduino.

This sample code will output elapsed second from booted to UART by 9600bps.
LPC1114FN28's UART ports are pin15(RX) and pin16(TX).

First of all, you should better to clean all, so choose Project → Clean first, and then, do Project → Build All.
If you don't see errors, it's done!!
You can find HEX file in “Project Explorer”-“eXoduino”-“LPC1114_FN28_102_DIP”.

If you flash this file by Flash Magic or lpc21isp, it will works!!

getting_started_with_exodusino.txt · 最終更新: 2013/08/22 15:18 by ytsuboi